The holidays are a time when we show our appreciation to friends and family, and spend time together to reconnect. And if we took a moment to do the same with our employees? Staying in the holiday spirit, here are 5 gift ideas for your employees that you can do today:
Give Thanks: While it may seem cliché, giving a personalized, handwritten note or card to each person on your team recognizing their contribution over the past year will go further than any gift money can buy.
Give Back: Encourage charity – organize a quick activity (half and half anyone?) to donate money to a local food bank or other charity of choice. Better yet, start organizing a company-wide volunteer day in January/February when the general population is less generous but the need is as present as ever.
Give Health: Do a final tour of the year of the company’s workspaces and ask each person what can be done to make their workspace and equipment more comfortable, efficient or safer.
Give Warmth: Set-up a hot chocolate bar in the kitchen!
Give Unity: Pull everyone in a boardroom and informally share your company’s plans for 2017. Allow employees to ask their questions, even if you don’t have all the answers yet. It doesn’t have to be perfect but with everyone working in the same direction, this is the gift that will keep on giving.
Happy Holidays!
From the Pvisio HR Consulting Team