Every summer I have at least one employee who asks me if they can get a day off for moving or for their wedding. What are my obligations in respect to these two personal events?
When it comes to moving, the Act respecting labour standards does not provide for a leave, paid or unpaid. As for weddings, the employer, if requested is obligated to give the employee one paid day off for his or her wedding and one unpaid day off for the wedding of his or her child, father or mother, brother or sister, or the child of his or her spouse. However this day is only given if the wedding falls on a day they usually work. For example, an employee who works Monday to Friday is not entitled to an extra day off if the marriage takes place on Saturday or Sunday.
Nonetheless, should the employer wish to provide employees with a day off, paid or unpaid, for either of these occasions they can do so at their own discretion. Employers can formalize this perk by including it in the company policy manual.
There are some employees who are excluded, so for complete details please consult the CNESST (Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail) website at www.cnesst.gouv.qc.ca.
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