With their high relational ability and strong analytical skills, the team of HR experts at Pvisio is always ready to accompany you in order to maintain and enrich the performance of your organization.
Whether you are growing a new business, restructuring, merging, acquiring or just trying to keep up with changes in the market, our goal is to offer you a methodical approach, adapted to your needs.
It’s not always easy for managers to keep their employees engaged and motivated and offer an optimal quality of life at work, all while staying competitive on the market. Our team can guide you in the application of programs and best practices to create and maintain an atmosphere that is attractive to your talent, all while maximizing productivity. Here is how we will get there:
A bit of structure please! In order to help you manage your resources and plan for the future, we can analyze the current positions and reporting structure to develop indispensable tools: an organization chart to illustrate the important role each individual plays within the organization, and job descriptions outlining the responsibilities of each position as well as the qualifications and competencies required.
A performance management program brings a multitude of advantages to any organization, such as recognizing and increasing employee productivity, aligning individual abilities with organizational needs, facilitating communication and aiding in staff retention. Advantages to the employee are also numerous: allowing them to receive constructive feedback, helping them set performance goals, encouraging their progress and providing support in their career development. Our approach is as follows:
We offer a variety of training courses and tailor the content to your needs. Here are some of the courses available:
Help your company’s current and future leaders develop to their full potential through one-on-one coaching. We work closely with your managers to help them set goals, create an action plan and support them as they see these goals become reality.
With more people leaving the workforce than entering it, many companies will soon find themselves in a state of transition, if this is not already the case. We will help you identify future needs, determine which gaps can be filled through internal resources and will work with you to develop a plan to see that fully-trained staff is in place when the time comes.
“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change”. While this was said by Heraclitus over 2500 years ago, it was never as true as it is today. Yet for many people navigating change can be a difficult process. Whether your company is new or established, merging or acquiring, restructuring or growing – we can help plan and execute a proper communication strategy to ensure that a smooth transition takes place.
We offer a free first time consultation to present our services and answer all of your questions.
Contact us for more information on how we can help you and your team.
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