In this context, what position can an employer take on the issue of the day: vaccination against Covid-19?
In this context, what position can an employer take on the issue of the day: vaccination against Covid-19?
The current environment has propelled many employees to telework full-time for many and for an extended period, for some. This new reality, which took hold without warning last spring, has not magically eliminated harassment situations in the workplace, quite the contrary.
In the past few months, several situations of workplace harassment have surfaced in the media. These situations show that no sector of activity or type of company (SME, multinational, etc.) is immune to this problem.
Our current situation brings a new reality for many: teleworking from home. We must accept it and try to make the best out of it.
In 1998, the Government of Quebec put in place the Loi sur les compétences, which obligated companies to invest in the development of their workforce to foster the acquisition of new competencies and abilities.
As you may already know, the Government of Quebec revised the Pay Equity Act on April 10, 2019, making changes that will have a substantial impact on employers’ obligations.
With the month of October comes the crisp autumn air, shorter days, witches and other scary Halloween creatures. But did you know that, while workplace accidents are always frightening, during the month of October the impact of an accident on the company’s financial CNESST file can be downright terrifying?
FULLThere are no more places available for this seminar. Stay tuned for the upcoming dates! * Please note that this seminar is offered in French only, but interactions with the presenter can be both in French and English. Join us for a free seminar where we will provide a breakdown of the financial aspects ofRead more
Every employer in Quebec pays an annual premium to the CNESST and has certain obligations under the various Health & Safety laws. That said, many employers do not fully understand their responsibilities, nor what it means to have strong health & safety practices in place. The fact is that every company could benefit from aRead more
Have you ever had an employee come to work visibly not fit to work? Whether impaired due to alcohol consumption, or under influence of cannabis or any other drug (including illicit and even prescription medication), employers are entitled to expect employees to come to work in full control of their abilities. In fact, even thoughRead more
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